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The Beard Oil Myth...

Updated: Jan 12, 2020

There is a very pervasive myth that touts beard oil as the only thing that makes your beard soft and supple... well... it's partially true.

Beard oil is more about the smell it infuses into your beard for a couple of hours. Some essential oils will last all night... like cinnamon, or aniseed... (aniseed smells like licorice) but most will only last 2 hours max. Yes... beard oil also helps with moisturizing... a bit... and it does give your beard a nice bit of shine (take a before and after picture if you don't believe me)...AND makes it easier to comb through... that is IF you have a grown ass man beard. If you have a little 10 year old girl corporate baby beard then disregard that last bit and go change your diaper sweet heart.

... but there's a better product.

If you want to give your beard the full meal deal and make it as soft as your furry costume BEFORE the party... you need to condition it with a good quality salon hair conditioner... the same stuff you use on your hair.

There is a BIG difference between the hair on your head and the hair in your beard. And unless you are as masculine as I think your mom is... your beard is gonna be much more coarse than what's on top of your head. Because the hair shaft is so much thicker in your beard, it's gonna need more conditioner... or it's gonna need to be conditioned more often.

So... You're in the shower. You've just washed your hair and beard with Vice Soap... cuz this is also a not-so-subtle plug for our soap... AND because it's gentle and not going to dry your beard out. (You can also use it as a solid shampoo.) Then grab that bottle of hair conditioner and massage some in, let it sit for a while while you wash your pits, balls, and ass... in that order. Rinse it out thoroughly and get out of the shower.

I'm not saying that beard oil doesn't work... it does. But it only affects the hair it comes in contact with... which if you have as much scruff as your wife... you'll get it all with only a drop. Buuuuuuut... If you have a big ass man beard, it becomes impossible to get the oil on the hairs at the center of your beard.

And just like you on Valentines Day in grade 3... they always seem to get missed.

Conditioner just does a better job of interacting with ALL of your beard. The hair is already softened because of the warm water and with the added benefit of having the super lubricating conditioner slathered all over your beard... it's going to get covered more completely... just like that time you tried dating in prison!

So... to recap... beard oil for smell and conditioner for beard health.

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